PayPal - Crypto for the people | 360 Campaign
Crypto came on the scene hot and exciting a few years ago. It was also confusing and inaccessible to most due to its innate complexities. Many felt left out.
Our challenge was to support and invite PayPal customers who are interested (and excited about) exploring crypto to participate – those who may not know where to start.
For the first time, people can dip their toes in crypto without going out of their way, without downloading strange apps or linking their bank account to a crypto service they don’t completely trust.
Cryptocurious folks can use a platform they already know and trust to explore at their own pace—one that’s written in plain English, with an easy interface and resources for learning more about crypto and most importantly the strong foundation of PP’s safety and security.
So we leaned into the fact that crypto has never been more accessible to the average person, no matter their age, savviness, or income? That anyone can get started with $1 where they’re comfortable, without the intimidation of jargon or fear that they’re too late to join the party, and introduced crypto for the people.
Crypto for the people TV ad
Crypto for the people landing page
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